Horsford Neighbourhood Plan Review

Horsford Parish Council has decided to undertake a review of their 2018 Adopted Neighbourhood Plan.

A Neighbourhood Plan can be reviewed or modified in three different ways and the process will depend on the degree of change which the modification involves:

  • Minor (non-material) modifications to a Neighbourhood Plan or order are those which would not materially affect the policies in the plan or permission granted by the order. These may include correcting errors, such as a reference to a supporting document, and would not require examination or a referendum.
  • Material modifications which do not change the nature of the Plan or order would require examination but not a referendum. This might, for example, entail the addition of a design code that builds on a pre-existing design policy, or the addition of a site or sites which, subject to the decision of the independent examiner, are not so significant or substantial as to change the nature of the plan.
  • Material modifications which do change the nature of the Plan or order would require examination and a referendum. This might, for example, involve allocating significant new sites for development.

A steering group has been formed and is working on behalf of the Parish Council to review the Plan. As the group progresses with the Neighbourhood Plan review, the scale of any modifications and the formal stages the Plan will need to pass through will become clearer.

As and when any statutory stages are reached, updates will be posted here. In the meantime, if you have any queries related to the review of the Plan, please contact the Parish Council.

View the current adopted Neighbourhood Plan.

Place Shaping Team

For further information and enquiries please contact us.

Telephone: 01508 533805