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How to apply for planning permission

Nutrient pollution in the River Wensum Special Area of Conservation and the Broads Special Area of Conservation and Ramsar has affected our ability to grant planning permissions for some types of development. Find out if your development could be affected.

You can make your planning application entirely online through the Planning Portal by completing the relevant forms, attaching supporting documents and plans and online via a secure link.

There are many different types of applications which relate to planning permission, advertisement consent, listed building consent, together with prior notification applications. Each application type requires a different form and information to be submitted in support of the proposal. Further details can be found on the Planning Portal.

The most common applications are:

  • Householder applications – for any proposed alterations or extensions to an existing dwelling, or for the erection of any structures in the garden area of a property
  • Outline application - gives an agreement in principle to the proposal, and a further application (reserved matters) is required before work can begin
  • Full application - a full set of detailed proposals are required. Once approved, you have permission to start work, subject to complying with any conditions beforehand
  • Prior notification applications – permission is already granted by the Permitted Development Order, but some aspects of the development need to be approved by us before work can start

We encourage you to submit your application online through the Planning Portal.

You will need to:

  • provide your name and address
  • select the relevant planning application type
  • upload necessary documents including maps. From January 2025 we are introducing a "Local Validation List", which sets out the supporting information which needs to be submitted with different application types. If an application is submitted without the required supporting information, the application will be invalidated. See below for the relevant Local Validation List
Householder Local Validation ListNon Householder Local Validation ListApply now via the Planning Portal

Please note as part of the public register, the details in the planning application will be published on the Council's website. Further details relating to GDPR can be seen on the data protection pages.

For all applications for new dwellings, in addition to addressing the nutrient neutrality advice from Natural England, it will aslso be necessary to undertake a Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) and to secure a financial contribution to offset impacts on protected habitat sites, either through a unilateral agreement or a Section 106 agreement, in accordance with the Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy.

For applications in Broadland, view further advice, guidance notes, shadow HRA and Unilateral agreements.

For applications in South Norfolk, view further advice, guidance notes, shadow HRA and Unilateral agreements.

For major planning applications, from January 2024, you will also need to address biodiversity net gain.

In addition to the above details you may need to submit a Heritage Statement or a Design and Access Statement, which is a short report to explain the design principles that have been applied to the proposal.

Please note: There is a service charge for submitting online planning applications that attract an application fee of £60 or more. Application fees are to be paid to the Planning Portal by using the payment options that are presented to you as part of the application process and before the application is submitted to the local authority.

Alternatively, you can download a printable planning application form and send it back to us at the address below together with the necessary documents and fee.

If you sign either Landownership Certificate B or C on your planning application form you must complete the Notice to serve on owners/tenants. This is required so the owner or tenant is aware that you have applied for planning permission on their land or property.

Other specific planning applications

A limited number of types of Prior Notifications are unable to be made online and for these you should select the appropriate form and return it to the address below.

Check the list of application types that can be applied for on paper.

Please note: It helps us process your application more quickly and easily if you submit your application fully using either the Planning Portal or the 'Paper Form' method but not a mixture of the two.

If you choose to make an application in a paper format the fees can be paid in the following ways.

The fee can be calculated using the online fee calculator.

For Broadland properties and sites, fees can be paid:

  • online at pay planning fee
  • by debit/credit card on the phone by calling 01603 430509
  • by cheque made payable to Broadland District Council and sent to the address below, quoting your application number (if known) and site address
  • by BACS - please quote your planning application reference no. and/or site address:
PayeeBroadland District Council
Acount nameGeneral account
Sort code20-62-61
Account number90939072

For South Norfolk properties and sites, fees should be paid:

  • by debit or credit card by phoning 01508 533813
  • by BACS - please quote your planning application reference no. and/or site address:
PayeeSouth Norfolk Council
Account nameSouth Norfolk Council
Sort code20-26-42
Account number83490173
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