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Building Futures Grants

Looking for support with hiring an apprentice?

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Trii who received Business Builder support

The Business Builder difference for trii

Yolanda used her Development Grant on digital marketing services to improve her website and content. It has helped her to secure a significant contract and grow her business.

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Refresh your skills

You can ask questions on a Carrowbreck Course

Boost your business growth in 2024 and choose from 45 skills updates for you and your team. Friendly team, expert tutors, in-person training, free on-site parking and great prices. Nice biscuits too.

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Broadland and South Norfolk forms part of Greater Norwich and is a key engine of economic and housing growth for the United Kingdom. They are not only great places to live but ideal locations to start and grow a business. We boast a strong and diverse business base which is home to leading innovation centres and enterprises.

We are focused on helping our local businesses and growing our economy. If you are a business looking for support, find out more.

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