Horsford Neighbourhood Plan

Horsford Parish Council have decided to undertake a review of their neighbourhood plan. For more information as the review progresses please visit the Horsford Neighbourhood Plan Review page. 

Horsford Neighbourhood Plan was fully adopted by Broadland District Council on 12 July 2018 following a 90% vote by Horsford residents.

The plan covers the period up to 2038 and now forms part of the development plan for the district and is one of the main considerations in determining any future planning applications submitted in Horsford.

The Neighbourhood Plan went through a number of stages before being adopted by us. Below is a summary of the dates that Horsford achieved these stages.

Stage Date achieved
Neighbourhood area adopted 27 April 2016
Neighbourhood plan submitted 18 December 2017
Examiner's report approved 11 May 2018
Referendum date 5 July 2018
Neighbourhood plan adoption 12 July 2018

You can view the Neighbourhood Plan documents below.

Download the Horsford Neighbourhood Plan

Download the Horsford Neighbourhood Area Map

Download the Horsford Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement

Download the Horsford Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report

Neighbourhood Planning Support

Telephone: 01508 533805