Adopted South Norfolk Local Plan

The adopted South Norfolk Local Plan is made up of various documents. Each document has been developed in consultation with the community and subject to independent examination before being formally adopted by the council. The documents that make up the Local Plan contain policies to guide future development in South Norfolk and are used when assessing planning applications.

Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP)

Both Broadland District and South Norfolk Councils have worked with Norwich City Council and Norfolk County Council to prepare the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP). The GNLP plans for the housing and job needs of the area to 2038 and builds on the long-established joint working arrangement for Greater Norwich.  It includes strategic policies to guide future development and plans to protect the environment. It looks to ensure that delivery of development is done in a way which promotes sustainability and the effective functioning of the whole area.

Th GNLP was adopted by South Norfolk Council at a Council meeting on 25 March 2024. Further information regarding the adoption of the plan can be found on the GNLP website.

View the South Norfolk Council GNLP Adoption Statement March 2024

Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document

The Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document was formally adopted on 26 October 2015.  It designates areas of land to deliver housing, employment, recreation, open spaces and community uses.  Together with the other documents that make up the Development Plan it is used to assess planning applications and guide development proposals to ensure the delivery of high quality sustainable developments across South Norfolk.

The majority of the document is now superseded by the adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan except for the villages, which will be addressed through a new South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Local Plan which is currently being prepared.  

Download the Site Specific Allocations and Policies Documents

Development Management Policies Document

The Development Management Policies Document was adopted on 26 October 2015 and is part of the South Norfolk Local Plan.  Together with the other documents that make up the Development Plan it is used to assess planning applications and guide development proposals to ensure the delivery of high quality sustainable developments across South Norfolk.

The Development Management Policies Document has not been superseded following the adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan and is to be carried forward and used in conjunction with the adopted plan.

Download the Development Management Policies Document

Wymondham Area Action Plan

The Wymondham Area Action Plan (WAAP) was adopted on 26 October 2015 and is part of the South Norfolk Local Plan.  Wymondham will grow to 2026 with a minimum of 2,200 new homes and a further 20 hectares of employment land.  The role of the WAAP is to balance the growth of the historic market town with protecting and enhancing the ‘Ketts Country Landscape’; to strengthen the role of the Tiffey Valley; maintain the open land between Wymondham and Hethersett; conserve the landscape setting of the town and abbey and create connection and linkages between green infrastructure.

South Norfolk Council has worked in partnership with Norfolk County Council to produce a Design Framework document entitled ‘Connecting South Wymondham’.  Improving access to and from South Wymondham is identified as a key element of the WAAP and ‘Connecting South Wymondham’ is an important background evidence document.

The WAAP has not been superseded following the adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan and is to be carried forward and used in conjunction with the adopted plan.  Wymondham Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in July 2023.

Download the Wymondham Area Action Plan

Long Stratton Area Action Plan

The Long Stratton Area Action Plan (LSAAP) was adopted on 26 May 2016 and is part of the South Norfolk Local Plan.  Long Stratton will grow up to 2026 with a minimum of 1,800 new homes, 12 hectares of employment land, an enhanced town centre and supporting infrastructure. The addition of a bypass is key to the future growth of Long Stratton.  The role of the LSAAP is to set out policies to guide and help deliver the required growth, whilst protecting and enhancing the historic core of the settlement and the distinctive countryside beyond.

The LSAAP has not been superseded following the adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan and is to be carried forward and used in conjunction with the adopted plan.  The Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in October 2021.

Download the Long Stratton Area Action Plan

The Joint Core Strategy has been superseded following adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan and is retained here for information only.

Joint Core Strategy 

The Joint Core Strategy (JCS DPD) adopted 2011, amendments adopted January 2014, sets out policies in the Greater Norwich Area, which is developed in partnership between Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk Councils.

Download the Joint Core Strategy

Neighbourhood Plans

There are several Neighbourhood Plans in our district that have been adopted by the authority and also form part of the current local plan. These can be viewed on the Neighbourhood Planning pages.

We also have a number of Supplementary Planning Documents available for download.

More detail about how we consult on Local Plan documents is explained in the Statement of Community Involvement. The documents being produced in the Local Plan are shown in a timetable called the Local Development Scheme. Find out more about the Emerging Local Plan.

South Norfolk Place Shaping Team

For further information and enquiries please contact us.

Telephone: 01508 533805