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Business continuity advice

Business continuity helps small and large businesses, voluntary and public organisations prepare to cope with a disruption to their daily working life. It is a planning process, which provides a framework to ensure the resilience of your business to most eventualities. It is not easy to plan for incidents that could potentially disrupt your business so plans should be clear, concise and flexible to adapt to different situations.

What is business continuity?

Business continuity is about protecting three main areas of your business:

  • safeguarding people
  • safeguarding your assets
  • safeguarding processes

What type of incidents should I plan for?

You should plan for:

  • damage to your premises
  • restricted access to your premises
  • disruption to fuel supply
  • loss of utilities
  • loss of IT
  • loss of staff

These are just a few scenarios you should consider and the impacts of these, when developing your Business Continuity Plan.

How to get business continuity advice

Our Emergency Planning Team are responsible for the coordination and ongoing development of our corporate business continuity plans. The team also provides advice to businesses on contingencies that need to be in place in the event of an emergency.

For further assistance, you can find information on local risks on the Norfolk Prepared website.

Contact us for business continuity advice
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