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South Norfolk: Last chance to nominate your community heroes

Community Awards 2023 logo

There are just two weeks left to submit nominations for the South Norfolk Community Awards 2023, which includes awards such as Young Person of the Year and Green at Heart Award.

The Awards, sponsored by Clarion Housing Group, celebrate all the dedicated hard-working people that give up their time to help make South Norfolk a fantastic place to live, work and visit.

All shortlisted nominees will be invited to a special awards night held on 30 June at Glen Lodge, Bawburgh. Winners will receive a certificate and grants of £250 to give to their chosen charitable organisation.

If you know an individual, community group or business that has gone above and beyond to make a positive impact in their community, support others or complete incredible achievements, please nominate them online today in one of our eight categories.

Nominations will be open until Wednesday 3 May, 2023.

Complete an online nomination form.

Read about last year's winners.

Published: 20 April 2023

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