Garden waste collection service

close up of a mans hands putting leaves into a brown garden waste bin

We offer a garden waste collection service, supplying you with a brown garden waste bin which will be collected every two weeks (except over Christmas and New Year). Your bin must be placed out for collection by 6:30am for both Broadland and South Norfolk. We ask all residents to put their property name/number onto all their bins to enable our crews to correctly identify which property the bin belongs to. This can be done using stickers or permanant marker. This will ensure a more efficient service and we thank you for your cooperation.

All material collected is locally composted.

If you move within your district and wish to carry on with the service please take your bin with you and fill out our Order a garden waste bin form, selecting 'Tell us you're moving' when asked if you want to order or you're moving.

If you are unable to place your bin at the front of your property on collection day, there may be options for us to help you. Find out more about assisted bin collections.

What can go in your garden waste bin?

The following items can be placed in your brown bin:

  • hedge and shrub clippings (excluding invasive plants or toxic species such as Yew, Japanese Knotweed, Rhododendron, Ragwort, Hemlock, and Himalayan Balsam)
  • cut flowers and plant prunings
  • grass cuttings (not those treated with Clopyralid or Aminopyralid weed killer)
  • small branches (4" diameter or less)
  • twigs and weeds
  • leaves

Ordering a garden waste bin

The cost is £67 a year for each brown bin ordered which must be paid by card (unfortunately we do not accept American Express cards). If you join during the financial year the amount will be pro rata. If you go on to set up a Direct Debit for future years it will be at a reduced cost.

You can order as many brown bins as you like for your property.

Please note, you are a new customer if you do not currently pay for a brown bin or have recently moved in and are not paying for a brown bin. If you are an existing customer and ordering another bin, when asked if there is a garden waste bin at the property this is referring to the bin you are ordering.

Please be aware that garden waste collections cease during the two weeks of Christmas. 

Order a garden waste bin

If you have an invoice for your annual garden waste renewal


Pay your Broadland invoice

South Norfolk

Pay your South Norfolk invoice