Report it online
This page provides a list of items that you can report to us online.
Please select a link below to report:
- Abandoned vehicle
- Benefits - change of circumstances
- Council Tax - change of address
- Fly-tipping
- Lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Missed bin (please do not report a missed bin before 4pm on the day of collection as our crews may still be out and on their way to you)
- Nuisance, noise, pest control
- Potholes - you can report potholes with Norfolk County Council
- Street cleaning (including dead animals on the highway)
- Street lights - report a problem with Norfolk County Council
- Street signs - report damaged or missing
- Planning - report a potential breach in planning
- Suspected fraud with Council Tax or business rates
- Send us a compliment, suggestion or complaint
- Unhappy with the conduct of a councillor