Broadland Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

The council has a register for people seeking a plot of land in Broadland on which they can build their own home. This is in accordance with the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 and related regulations.

For entry onto the register there is an initial registration fee of £100 (applicable to Part 1 and 2) and to remain on Part 1 of the register a fee of £100 will be required annually on the 31 October, at the beginning of each new year of the Register. There is no annual renewal fee for those on Part 2. Please note the Part 1 renewal fee is due annually on 31 October irrespective of the date you initially join the register. For example if you join part way through the register year, for example in August, you will still be liable for a renewal charge in October that same calendar year to remain on the register for the next year.

The fee is to cover the administration costs associated with maintaining the register. Inclusion on the register means that your interest, together with the others on the register i.e. the number of people registered, is taken into account by the council in its planning and housing functions. Inclusion on the register does not mean that an application for planning permission will be successful.  Also, it is not a “waiting list” for self-build plots and you will not be notified of potential plots.

Individuals and associations or groups of individuals who wish to build their own home can join the register.

In addition, the council will have regard to the register in its planning and housing work and other relevant functions.

If you are considering joining the register and have any questions you wish to discuss, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page.

The planning portal has created a guide on planning a self-build home.

To be eligible to go on the main part of the register (Part 1) you must be:

  1. Aged 18 or over.
  2. A British citizen, a national of an EEA state other than the United Kingdom or a national of Switzerland.
  3. Seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land for your own self-build or custom housebuilding.
  4. A resident in the Broadland district for at least the last three years (or be in the service of the regular armed forces of the crown, or were in the service within the last three years).
  5. Able to demonstrate that you will have sufficient resources to purchase the land for the self-build or custom housebuilding.

If you meet all of the requirements apart from criteria 4, you can still be entered on Part 2 of the register.

For Part 2, the council does not have to meet certain requirements under the Act (section 2A(6)) relating to the number of planning permissions given for serviced plots.

How to apply

If you would like to express your interest in applying to join the register and request an application form,  please contact the team at


Broadland Place Shaping Team

Telephone: 01508 533805