Monitoring the South Norfolk Local Plan
Authority Monitoring Reports
The Authority Monitoring Report is a requirement set out in Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011. The Authority Monitoring Report (formerly the Annual Monitoring Report, or AMR) is a regular check of the performance of existing policies. The AMR also outlines the five year land supply position, includes information on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts and how we have met the duty to cooperate.
From 2010/11 the AMR has been produced jointly with Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and Norfolk County Council as part of the Greater Norwich Growth Board and monitors policies from the Joint Core Strategy. The JCS has now been superseded by the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) which was adopted in March 2024. In future monitoring years the AMR will monitor the policies in the GNLP.
The various AMRs covering South Norfolk are available to download.
Residential Land Availability Reports
The Residential Land Availability (RLA) report provides information on the availability of residential land in South Norfolk and is published on a financial year basis. The RLA gives an indication of the implementation of housing allocations as well as monitoring the level of new planning permissions granted, the number of housing units completed and the amount of land with outstanding planning permission for residential development. The RLA also identifies whether sites are brownfield/greenfield, windfall/allocation and includes information on density and numbers of bedrooms.
To view the most recent RLA report please contact us using the details below. Download previous versions of the RLA.
South Norfolk Place Shaping Team
For further information and enquiries please contact us.
Telephone: 01508 533805