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Housing development opportunities

Broadland District and South Norfolk Councils are committed to delivering substantial growth jointly with the other Greater Norwich local authorities. This commitment to economic growth entails substantial housing development, and we are actively working to ensure that sites allocated for development are built out.

If you are interested in sites for potential development, the Local Plan provides details.

Broadland Growth Ltd (a partnership between Broadland District Council and NPS Property Consultants Ltd) and Big Sky Developments Ltd (a company wholly-owned by South Norfolk Council) builds homes for sale in the local area, and is seeking development opportunities.

If you are looking for a local developer to partner with then please contact either or both Broadland Growth and Big Sky.

The sister company to Big Sky, Big Sky Property Management Limited, is also interested in acquiring good quality homes for the private rental market.

Alternatively, you may be looking for a property to buy or rent in the area and want to check out the website links above.

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