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Broadland News magazine

Front covers of previous editions of Broadland News

Keep up to date with all the latest news from Broadland District Council in the Broadland News magazine - a complimentary A4, full colour, glossy magazine published three times a year in spring, summer and autumn.

The magazine is delivered by Royal Mail and distributed to over 65,000 residents and business in the Broadland area.

Read the latest edition of Broadland News

If you require an accessible version of the magazine, please email your request to

Advertise in Broadland News

Broadland News is packed full of information on issues of interest to the people who live and work in Broadland, this ensures a good shelf life and helps maximise advertisers response.

Advertisers have monitored the effectiveness of advertising within Broadland News and as a result advertise in the publication on a regular basis.

The growth of business and commerce within Broadland, especially on the new business park in the East of the district confirms the area’s position of growth, investment and prosperity, Broadland News offers an idea opportunity to tap into a growing market.

Advertising rates

Full page 270mm x 184mm - £1000 Half page 135mm x 184mm - £500 Quarter page 135mm x 92mm - £250 Back cover + 50% Inside back cover + 30%

All prices excluding VAT.

Advertising enquiries

If you are a business and would like to advertise in our magazines, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01508 533984

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