Sanctuary Scheme

Home security for those experiencing domestic abuse

What is the Sanctuary Scheme?

The Sanctuary Scheme is a victim centred initiative, which aims to allow victim-survivors of domestic abuse to remain in their own homes and supports them to stay closer to their support networks.

What does the Sanctuary Scheme provide?

Our Sanctuary trained officers will assess each property and install any suitable target hardening measures to improve security. They can install extra security measures, such as:

  • new locks
  • security lights
  • alarms to ensure survivors feel secure
  • smart/ camera doorbells

This means victim-survivors can stay in their homes and there is no need to:

  • move away from friends and family.
  • move away from schools and work.
  • move into temporary accommodation or a refuge.

You can apply for the Sanctuary Scheme if:

  • you are at risk of domestic abuse
  • you want remain living in your home
  • it is safe for you to return your home with extra security in place
  • the perpetrator has no legal right to enter the property

Make a Sanctuary Scheme referral

You can download the word document version of the referral form here.

You can apply if you live in council housing, housing association property, private rented accommodation or own your home. If you live in rented accommodation, the landlord’s permission is needed before our officers complete any work on the property.

We are part of a new Norfolk-wide initiative which helps survivors of domestic abuse to continue living in their own homes when it is safe to do so. If you live outside of the South Norfolk and Broadland area, you will need to contact your local Council to find out how to apply.

Funded by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities through a grant made possible by Norfolk County Council.


Sanctuary Scheme

The Sanctuary Scheme is a victim centred initiative, which aims to allow victim-survivors of domestic abuse to remain in their own homes and supports them to stay closer to their support networks.

Telephone: 0808 1784 702