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Unhappy with conduct of a Broadland councillor?

Broadland District Council’s Monitoring Officer is responsible for promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by councillors of the district, town and parish councils in the area.

District councillors are governed by the Members' Code of Conduct (included in Part 5 of the Council Constitution). Town and parish councils adopt their own Codes of Conduct and to access these you can contact the individual council or look on their website. The codes cover their general behaviour and requires them to register and declare their financial and other interests.

To make a complaint about a district or town/parish councillor, please complete the complaint form or email If you would prefer to write a letter, please address it to: Monitoring Officer, Broadland District Council, Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF. If using email or writing a letter, please make sure you provide the information requested in the complaints form. If you would like an informal chat about your concerns, please contact our Monitoring Officer on 01508 533791.

We can only deal with complaints about individual councillors. Therefore, if you wish to complain about the actions or decisions of a town or parish council, please contact the town or parish clerk directly so it can be considered under their own complaints system. You can find contact details of your town or parish clerk here.

Once we have received a complaint, we assess it against our Complaints Criteria which can be found here.

If the complaint metes the criteria, we send it to the subject to obtain their comments before considering what action to take. This might be involve us undertaking an investigation to assess whether there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct. If a breach has occurred, actions taken may include the request of an apology, a recommendation for further training, or mediation. Please note, we cannot remove a councillor from their position on the district, town or parish council.

To find out more about how we process complaints and the action we may take, please read the guidance notes.

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