Community events

Community Events toolkits

There are many different types of public events that take place in Broadland and South Norfolk every year. These can range from sporting events, fetes, musical concerts; some taking place indoors; some outdoors; some are large and some are small.

If you are thinking about organising an event  in your community it is important to remember you will have a legal responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the people attending your event, as well as that of the employees or volunteers. This includes any licenses that may be required and the essential requirements to hold an event such as public liability insurance, first aid provision and risk assessment, and covid safe.

Broadland District and South Norfolk Councils have produced two useful toolkits to provide community event organisers with some guidance when planning and running an event:

The council’s aim is to support community events that encourage participation in health and wellbeing activities. The Communities team can draw on a wealth of experience and expertise to advise on anything from health and safety compliance to funding and volunteer support. Our in-house events team also delivers a portfolio of events throughout the year including two running events and several award ceremonies. Our offer to new and existing event organisers is to:

  1. Be the conduit between the organiser and all relevant council teams including licensing and health and safety.
  2. Act as a broker to form useful partnerships, source potential event sponsors as well as participants and volunteers.
  3. Support residents and community groups to establish an events committee, or to refresh a current committee that has lost volunteers or its focus.
  4. Where an existing event has lost it’s organising group but remains viable, we will try to broker a new group to take over. There may be other groups or businesses that would see the value of taking on a well-established and recognised event and are better geared up to making it work whilst fostering a community spirit. Should a committee fold and where an alternative organiser cannot be found we will not step in to run events on behalf of the community. The aim of the council is to support and empower communities and community champions to run their own event.
  5. In the unfortunate circumstances where an existing event has been booked but is at risk of not happening because of injury or illness within the organising committee, we may be able to offer support the event in the interim to avoid cancellation. This would be on the understanding that the organising committee has the intention to resume delivery once able.

View our events in Broadland

View our events in South Norfolk

Communities Team

Address: The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF

Telephone: 01603 430611