Broadland District Council - attending council meetings

Public meetings

Dates of all meetings are included in our Programme of meetings.

Papers for meetings

Meeting papers are normally published on our website five working days before the meeting date. You can download the papers beforehand, visit our Committee meetings page.

Speaking at council meetings

If you have been invited to speak at a meeting of the Planning Committee please download the Public Speaking at Planning Committee document.

If you wish to speak at a Cabinet, Overview & Scrutiny Committee or Council meeting, please advise the Committee Team at least two working days before the meeting. Each speaker may speak for three minutes only, with a total of 15 minutes allowed for all public speakers.

There is also the option at a Council meeting for the public to raise a question of members of the Cabinet, the Leader of the Council or the Chairman of a Committee at all Council meetings (except extraordinary ones).  If you wish to raise a question you must give the required notice no later than midday five working days before the day of the meeting. Please contact the Committee Team (details below) for further advice about submitting a question.

Filming, recording and photography at meetings 

Read the council's protocol on filming, recording and photography at public meetings.

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