South Norfolk Council - how the Council makes decisions

Key decisions

Key decisions:

  • Result in the Council spending, or saving a significant amount compared with the Budget for the service or function the decision relates


  • Or are significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area, comprising two or more wards in the area of the Council, in that it will:

    • (i) Have a long-term, lasting impact on that community; or
    • (ii) Restrict the ability of individual businesses or residents in that area to undertake particular activities; or
    • (iii) Removes the provision of a service or facility for that community; or (iv) Increases the charges payable by members of the community to provide a service or facility by more than 5%; or (v) Have the potential to create significant local controversy or reputational damage to the Council; or
    • (vi) Is a matter that the decision maker considers to be a key decision.

We are required to provide at least 28 days notice of our intention to make key decisions. If it is not possible to comply with this requirement, the item can still be considered at the Cabinet meeting if the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee is informed, and a public notice is published at least five clear days before the meeting. If these timescales cannot be met, the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee will need to agree that the matter is urgent and cannot be deferred.

View current notices relating to key decisions.

Forward Plan

The Forward Plan lists the major decisions to be taken by the Cabinet in the coming months. Some are 'key decisions' that are likely to result in significant expenditure or savings or that affect two or more wards or electoral divisions.

View the Forward Plan here 

Private meetings

Sometimes it is necessary to hold meetings, or part of a meeting in private.

We are required to provide at least 28 days notice of an intention to hold a meeting, or part of a meeting in private. A further public notice is required at least five clear days before the Cabinet meeting, detailing any representations made. If it is not possible to comply with this requirement, the meeting can still be held in private with the agreement of the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee.

View current notices relating to private meetings.

Delegated decision notices

Where Cabinet has been requested to make an executive decision, but has subsequently delegated this decision to an officer or an officer in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, a public notice must be produced. This will set out a record of the officer's decision, reasons for the decision, details of alternative options considered and a record of any declared interests by the members consulted.

View delegated decision notices.


South Norfolk Democratic Services