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Local Development Orders in South Norfolk

Local Development Orders (LDOs) streamline planning arrangements by allowing specific types of development (subject to conditions) in specific areas without the need for planning applications for to be submitted. This means that it is not necessary for investors or occupiers to submit planning applications for their proposals.

South Norfolk Council is in the process of drafting two LDOs. One is at land to the east of the Food Enterprise Zone in Easton; the other is on land at Browick Road in Wymondham.

Food Enterprise Park, Easton

South Norfolk Council gives notice of its intention to make a Local Development Order at land to the north of Church Lane in Easton that would grant planning permission for:

  • The erection of new buildings
  • The extension or alteration of existing buildings
  • Roads, footways, cycleways and parking/turning areas
  • Surface water drainage basins
  • Electric Vehicle charging points
  • The installation of renewable energy development as permitted by Classes J and L of Part 14 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 as amended or any statutory instrument amending, revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification.

The development is strictly permitted for the following purposes only:

  • Agri-tech business
  • Food technology companies
  • Processing of agricultural produce
  • Manufacture of food products (not including the rendering of animal carcasses)
  • Manufacture of specialist food-related supplies (e.g. food packaging)
  • Storage and distribution of agricultural produce
  • Storage and distribution of agricultural products that have undergone processing
  • Storage and distribution of agricultural equipment, machinery and supplies
  • Storage and distribution of livestock (e.g. livestock market)
  • Haulage services relates to the above storage and distribution
  • Veterinary services

In addition to the above, subject to the proportion constituting no more than 10% of the floorspace of each unit, an element of other development that is ancillary, complementary or subsidiary to the main use is also permitted. This shall be limited to:

  • Offices necessary as part of a primary use
  • Education/training related to agriculture and food
  • Display, wholesaling and retailing of agricultural and food related products

The draft Local Development Order is accompanied by an Environmental Statement.

A copy of the draft Local Development Order and documents associated with it, including the Statement of Reasons and Environmental Statement, can be viewed online at, or during office hours at the Council’s offices at South Norfolk Council, The Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF.

EIA documents can be downloaded free of charge.  Search for Application 2024/1040 here. Hard copies of the Environmental Statement & technical appendices may be obtained for a charge of £350.00 from the Council’s offices for as long as stocks last.

Anyone who wishes to make representations about the draft Local Development Order can do so by either writing directly to South Norfolk Council, The Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF or email quoting 2024/1040. Any comments should be received within 30 days of the date of this notice.

Browick Road, Wymondham

The Browick Road site is a triangular parcel of land amounting to approximately 22 hectares in area on either side of Browick Road between the Norwich to Cambridge rail line and the A11. It is allocated for employment uses by Policy WYM5 of the Wymondham Area Action Plan. These uses comprise light industrial, offices, research and development, general industrial and storage and distribution uses. Some ancillary uses may also be acceptable. However, to date the site has not come forward for development and the intention of the LDO is to provide planning certainty for prospective occupiers and to kick start development at the site without individual planning applications needing to be submitted provided the parameters set out in the LDO are complied with.

At the time of writing, two stakeholder events have been held in June 2022 and December 2022 with representatives of Wymondham Town Council, South Norfolk Council, Norfolk County Council, The Lizard Trust and Greening Wymondham in attendance. Work is ongoing on the drafting of the LDO and supporting information and further stakeholder and consultation events will be held as the LDO progresses further.

The drafting of the LDO is underway. A stakeholder meeting has been held with representatives of local parish councils, South Norfolk Council and Broadland District Council in August 2023. Further events will take place as the LDO progresses.

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