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Infrastructure and delivery

The work of the Planning Policy Team is about more than simply preparing planning policy documents to guide development. The team also has a role to play in helping to deliver development in accordance with the policies in the adopted Local Plan and in ensuring that appropriate infrastructure is delivered to support growth. This is mainly done through the work of the Greater Norwich Growth Board who publish the Greater Norwich Infrastructure Plan (GNIP) identifying the infrastructure projects to be prioritised for delivery each financial year to support growth, a high quality of life and enhanced natural environment.

We also have a Community Infrastructure Levy in place which will help to fund the delivery of infrastructure across both Broadland and South Norfolk.

To ensure that Local Plans can be adopted and to enable planned growth through the implementation of measures to avoid adverse effects on the integrity of habitats, a document has been prepared called the Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS). Download the Habitats Regulation Assessment Strategy Document (March 2021).

For Broadland, there are also a series of Green Infrastructure Project Plans that identify opportunities to enhance and develop green infrastructure in different parts of the District. It is anticipated that the identified projects will help to address the recreational and biodiversity impacts of future residential development within the area covered. There are currently Green Infrastructure Project Plans covering:

  • West Broadland
  • East Broadland
  • North East Growth Triangle

Download the project plans.

In South Norfolk, a Green Infrastructure Plan for the A11 corridor is currently being prepared. Once completed this will be added to this page.

Place Shaping Team

For further information and enquiries please contact us.

Telephone: 01508 533805

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