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New Chair elected by Broadland District Council

Chair of Broadland District Council, Councillor Adrian Tipple and Vice Chair Councillor Caroline Karimi-Ghovanlou

At Broadland District Council’s AGM, held on Thursday 23 May 2024, Councillor Adrian Tipple was elected as Chair.

Councillor Caroline Karimi-Ghovanlou was elected to the post of Vice-Chair, following her year as Chair.

At the same meeting Councillor Sue Holland was re-elected as Broadland District Council’s Leader for a second year.

During the meeting, Councillor Holland announced her new Cabinet team.

The new Cabinet is:

  • Councillor Sue Holland, Leader.
  • Councillor Natasha Harpley, Deputy Leader and Communities and Housing
  • Councillor Steve Riley, Finance
  • Councillor Dan Roper, Transformation and Organisational Development
  • Councillor Martin Booth, Economic Development
  • Councillor Jan Davis, Environmental Excellence
  • Councillor Stuart Beadle, Planning

Broadland District Council Chair, Adrian Tipple said that he was excited and honoured to be the first Labour Councillor to be elected to the role and said his theme for the year was Community Resilience. Councillor Tipple said that he would name the charities that he would support during his time in office at the next Council meeting.

Outgoing Chair Councillor Caroline Karimi-Ghovanlou was presented with a testimonial in recognition of her work, as Chair. Caroline raised £1,072 during her time in office to be shared with The Hamlet and Vision Norfolk.

Published: 24 May 2024

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