South Norfolk: People of Harleston asked to have their say

Harleston high street with bunting and trees in planters

South Norfolk Council is consulting the residents of Harleston on the future of the changes that were made to the local road layout and open spaces.

The changes were made to help keep people safe and give them the confidence to return to the high street.

In June, changes were made to several of the roads in Harleston in response to the government’s guidance concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to allow people, and particularly pedestrians to move about freely and safely.

The changes are part of a campaign called “Shop with confidence”, which has been designed to support local businesses and maintain social distancing in high streets and shopping areas.

Since the safety measures have been put in place, South Norfolk Council and the town council have received a lot of feedback, both for and against, and, having listened to the feedback, adjustments to the initial, temporary road layout were made in the first few weeks.

In order to consult residents and gauge public opinion on the future of the changes, South Norfolk Council has commissioned an independent survey, open to all local residents and businesses. The aim of the survey is to help the council determine the level of support for any longer-term changes to the town.

Traffic marshals are currently in place to provide motorists with advice and directions, and ensure compliance with the traffic restrictions, however, their presence cannot continue indefinitely. Current restrictions on the Thoroughfare will be lifted no later than Friday 25 September.

Harleston residents and businesses will receive a letter, in the next week, letting them know how they can take part in the survey and the council is encouraging as many people as possible to have their say.

South Norfolk Council and Redenhall with Harleston Town Council would like to thank residents for their patience and cooperation over the past few months while the temporary changes have been in place.

Published: 24 August 2020