Nominations open for Community at Heart Awards

Community at Heart Awards 2024

Nominations opened today (Friday 31 May) for Broadland District Council’s Community at Heart Awards 2024.

The annual awards, sponsored by Clarion Housing Group, recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of residents from across Broadland who go above and beyond to support others or complete incredible achievements.

The Council will invite shortlisted nominees to an awards ceremony at Royal Norwich Golf Club in Lenwade, and the winner in each category will receive £250 to give to their chosen community group or voluntary organisation

Councillor Natasha Harpley, Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, and Deputy Leader at Broadland District Council, said:

“Our awards say a heartfelt thank you to community heroes and acknowledge the valuable contribution to the district from volunteers, businesses, individuals, and community groups. You can help us celebrate the selfless work and incredible achievements of people across the district by submitting a nomination, quickly and easily online.”

If you know someone who goes the extra mile in your community, then this is your chance to give them the recognition they deserve.

Either complete the simple online form or email a video or voice note detailing your nomination to

This year we have nine categories: 

  • Young Achiever Award - A young person (aged 18 and under) who has made an exceptional contribution to their community.
  • Community Organisation of the Year - A community organisation who has made a significant impact to the community.
  • Business in the Community Award - A local business or commercial organisation that has gone above and beyond to support the local community.
  • Volunteer of the Year - An individual who selflessly devotes their time and energy to the community.
  • Green at Heart Award - An individual, school or community organisation who has made an extra effort to have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Connecting Communities Award - An individual, school or community organisation that has gone out of their way to encourage communities to come together and promote inclusivity.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award - A person who has dedicated over 20 years of their life to the community, volunteering for the benefit of others and deserves special recognition for their efforts and commitment.
  • Healthy and Active Award - An individual, school or community organisation that has gone above and beyond in facilitating healthy and active lifestyles.

Nominations close on 29 August and the awards will be presented on 17 October.

For more information (including FAQs) and to nominate, go to Community at Heart Awards 2024. As mentioned above, this year we are also welcoming nominations in video or voice note format via email - you can send these to

Published: 31 May 2024