Support for developing your Neighbourhood Plan

In addition to the statutory duties that we have in relation to progressing Neighbourhood Plans, we can offer a range of support for communities that are undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan. This includes:

  • general advice and guidance on the process, how to gather evidence, getting people involved and policy development
  • reviewing draft documents produced by Neighbourhood Plan steering groups such as consultation material, briefs for consultants and policies
  • attendance at specific steering group meetings, as required
  • providing potential financial support for developing the Neighbourhood Plan through the council’s Neighbourhood Planning Grant Scheme. Up to £6,000 is available for parish or town councils that are preparing Neighbourhood Plans in the district
  • assistance with mapping for consultation events and documents
  • loaning of display boards for use in local consultation events
  • organising networking meetings for groups producing plans
  • production of Neighbourhood Planning guidance and other practical documents
  • providing training through a variety of means as and when resources become available
  • producing a basic ‘Parish Profile’ document for newly-established Neighbourhood Plan steering groups, setting out key statistics, local plan policies and allocations, and statutory designations relevant to the parish

We have produced some basic guidance that is intended to help communities decide whether a Neighbourhood Plan, or other form of community-led planning tool, is right for them, available to download as follows Which Community Led Plan? (PDF 82KB) and Community Led Planning Definitions (PDF 116KB)

We have also put together a guidance document for neighbourhood plan groups which summarises a variety of resources grouped into themes. The guide aim is to signpost groups in Broadland and South Norfolk to a wealth of information to help get them started on the road to producing their neighbourhood plan. View the Neighbourhood Plan Guidance Document (PDF 2Mb).

National support for Neighbourhood Plans, including funding, technical support, case studies and practical guides, is available from Locality

Please feel free to contact us using the details below.

Neighbourhood Planning Support

Telephone: 01508 533805