Vehicle related anti-social behaviour
Broadland and South Norfolk are two of the safest places to live in the country. Residents, business operators and visitors to our market towns and villages, should feel safe in the expectation that everyone will behave in a way that does not negatively affect others.
Unfortunately, across both districts, some residents have been reporting being disturbed regularly in the evenings and into the night due to vehicles being driven in a manner that creates noise disturbance and fear. We have also had reports from our retail parks and business outlets where large organised informal events are happening, which involve significant numbers of vehicles, some as many as 300 plus. Whilst many attending these gatherings are car enthusiasts coming together to socialise, there are a minority who attend in order to cause nuisance by dangerous driving, performing stunts, speeding, and playing loud music. There are often spectators who attend to watch this behaviour and cause issues with littering, shouting, screaming and being offensive.
We have been working with the Police to identify the best way to use our powers in conjunction with police powers to reduce the impacts of the behaviour outlined above and this has resulted in each Council making a Public Spaces Protection Order covering their district.
The PSPO's provide an opportunity to set the standard of behaviour required on our districts and enable Police and Council enforcement officers to engage early when they believe behaviours may or will fall below that standard, or take enforcement action when the behaviour has. These powers complement the existing powers already held by the Police, and the Officer/s will decide which is the most appropriate action to take.
The PSPO's are both in operation 365 days per year, 24 hours per day and will be in place for the next 3 years. A review will be undertaken at 12 months to identify the effectiveness of the new Order and whether there needs to be any amendments made.
View the Broadland and South Norfolk PSPO documents and maps of the districts.