Community at Heart Awards 2024

Broadland Community at Heart Awards 2024. Who's your community hero?

Nominations are now open for the Community at Heart Awards 2024!

Celebrate the amazing achievements of those who go above and beyond to support others or complete incredible achievements.

Shortlisted nominees will be invited along to the awards ceremony at Royal Norwich Golf Club in Lenwade, and the winner in each category will receive £250 to give to their chosen community group or voluntary organisation.

Nominate in the following categories

  • Young Achiever Award - A young person (aged 18 and under) who has made an exceptional contribution to their community.
  • Community Organisation of the Year - A community organisation who has made a significant impact to the community.
  • Business in the Community Award - A local business or commercial organisation that has gone above and beyond to support the local community.
  • Volunteer of the Year - An individual who selflessly devotes their time and energy to the community.
  • Green at Heart Award - An individual, school or community organisation who has made an extra effort to have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Connecting Communities Award - An individual, school or community organisation that has gone out of their way to encourage communities to come together and promote inclusivity.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award - A person who has dedicated over 20 years of their life to the community, volunteering for the benefit of others and deserves special recognition for their efforts and commitment.
  • Healthy and Active Award - An individual, school or community organisation that has gone above and beyond in facilitating healthy and active lifestyles.

Nominate easily online - it only takes 5 minutes to show your appreciation and to say thank you. See our nomination guidance and criteria

Either complete our simple online form or email a video or voice note detailing your nomination to

Nominate online today


The main sponsors of the awards is Clarion Housing Group, but other sponsorship opportunities are still available.

Find out more about sponsoring the awards

Community at Heart Awards 2024 FAQs

  • Nominations close: 29 August 2024

    Judging panel: 5 September 2024 

    Community Awards: 17 October 2024 

  • Once you have completed and submitted the application our team will check through this to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria and we have sufficient information. All nominee’s will be checked by Broadland District Council departments for any outstanding balances. 

  • Due to the volume of applications we receive, we will only contact you if we need to obtain further information on the nomination. Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages for updates on shortlisted nominees and winners. 

  • The community awards recognise individuals, organisations, schools and businesses who have committed their time and energy to the community. We want to recognise their work and celebrate their achievements.

    The best way for us to hear about these special people is from the community itself. 

    Each winner will receive £250 to go towards a charity or community organisation of their choice.

  • The nomination from will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete depending on how much information is provided on the nominee.

  • The questions will vary depending on which category you are nominating for. However, the general consensus of the questions will be about what they have done to impact the community and the environment around them.  

  • Please only complete one application per nominee. However if you wish to submit multiple applications for various individuals, schools, community organisations and businesses you are very welcome to. If you wish to send further information or supporting evidence please email this to quoting the nominee name and category. 

  • The more information and examples you can provide will help our judges to understand what they do and how it is making a meaningful impact to the community.

  • We would love to receive your stories, perspectives, and photos of what has been going on in the community and the difference it has made. The more detail the better!

  • Please send any additional evidence to quoting the nominee name and award category.

  • Our judges will meet on the 5 September 2024 and discuss all the applications. They will agree three shortlisted nominees in each category. All the shortlisted nominees will be invited to the awards night where the winners will be announced.