Safeguarding adults and children
How to report a concern about a child, young person or adult
If you have immediate concerns for the safety of anyone, you should call 999 for an emergency response.
If you are suspicious or concerned about someone’s safety, ring Norfolk County Council on 03448 008020 and choose Option 1. The line is open 24 hours a day. You will need to say if your concern involves an adult or child.
You may stay anonymous but please tell them as much as possible so that your concern can be followed up.
If the person is not at immediate risk of harm, you can report your concern using Norfolk County Council's online form.
If you see something, or hear something that doesn’t feel right – say something.
You can find out more about protecting children at Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board and protecting adults at Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board.
Domestic Abuse
For help and advice on what is available.
Help Hub
Everybody needs a bit of extra support from time to time and the Help Hub makes sure you get that help as soon as possible.
A scam is a dishonest scheme designed to cheat people out of money. There are many scams with new ones appearing constantly. Norfolk Trading Standards gives useful advice and guidance and you can sign up to their newsletter. Friends Against Scams has advice to help protect you from Scams.
Modern slavery and human trafficking
Modern slavery and human trafficking are crimes in which people are exploited for other people’s personal gain. If you have concerns about someone contact the Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network. These are the signs that someone is a trafficking victim. Slavery and human trafficking can exist in delivery chains and their guidance for businesses gives further advice on this.