South Norfolk Parish and Town Council Vacancies

The latest town and parish council vacancies will be listed at the bottom of this page when they arise. 

A casual vacancy on a town or parish council may arise for a number of reasons; a councillor may have resigned, passed away, or have failed to attend any meetings for six months.

The vacancy occurs on the date of receipt of the resignation notice or the date of death, although the public notice may be delayed for a respectful period. Parish councillor resignations should be made in writing to the chairman of the parish council and cannot be withdrawn.

The notice published gives a period of 14 days for requests to be made for an election, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

If at the end of the 14 day period the Electoral Services Team has not received 10 or more requests from electors for an election to be held, we will notify the town/parish council that they should proceed to fill the vacancy by co-option.

Read more about town and parish council elections and town and parish councils in South Norfolk.

South Norfolk parish and town council vacancies

  • ** An election request has been received to fill this vacancy **

    The Returning Officer will set a date for polling day, and the election process will begin with the publication of a notice of election, copies of which will be supplied to the clerk.

    The notice of election informs the electors where they may obtain nomination papers and the date by when they should be hand delivered. It gives the dates by which applications to vote by post or proxy must be made. It also gives the date of the poll in the event of a contest.


    Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor


    1. Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of John Mallows, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
    2. An election by ballot according to the Election Rules will be held if a request in writing to that effect, signed by ten local government electors for the electoral area, is delivered to The Returning Officer, South Norfolk Council, Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0WF not later than 13 November 2023.
    3. If an election is not requested, the Parish Council will fill this vacancy by co-option.

    Parish Clerk: Ann Baker

    Address:   Ganders, Langmere Road, Rushall, Diss, IP21 4QB

    Dated:      24 October 2023

  •  Casual Vacancy in the

    Office of Parish Councillor



    (1) Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Simon Gray, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for the Parish Council. 
    (2) An election by ballot according to the Election Rules will be held if a request in writing to that effect, signed by ten local government electors for the electoral area, is delivered to The Returning Officer, South Norfolk Council, Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0WF not later than 30 July 2024. 
    (3) If an election is not requested, the Parish Council will fill this vacancy by co-option.
    Parish Clerk: Yvonne Wonnacott
    Address: 1 Meadow Cottages, Gull Lane, Framingham Earl, Norwich, NR14 7PN
    Dated: 10 July 2024
  • Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor



    1. Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Gareth Roderick-Jones, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
    2. An election by ballot according to the Election Rules will be held if a request in writing to that effect, signed by ten local government electors for the electoral area, is delivered to The Returning Officer, South Norfolk Council, Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0WF not later than 12 August 2024.
    3. If an election is not requested, the Parish Council will fill this vacancy by co-option.

    Parish Clerk: Tony Wainwright

    Address: 23 Atling Way, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2NS.

    Dated: 24 July 2024