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Skills funding

Are you seeking funding to support your skills and training needs? Skills related funding schemes come and go over time. We maintain a list of what’s available in Norfolk here.

Grants and incentives from Apprenticeships Norfolk

Check out the variety of grants and incentives you may be able to access, to support your apprentice and/or support your business to start an apprenticeship.

Supply Chain Skills Development Fund

This part-funded ESF project, provides grants to co-fund the development of the workforce in key local supply chains across Norfolk and Suffolk.

It has been established by Suffolk County Council, in partnership with Norfolk County Council, and aims to benefit both individual employees and local employers in Norfolk and Suffolk. The delegated grant scheme will enhance both the development and delivery of training available to employers in the New Anglia area and will focus on what is required to build the capacity of key local supply chains, ultimately resulting in the creation of inclusive economic growth.

Grants are available to:

  • SME employers to be used to pay for a proportion of the costs of training, learning opportunities, or services that will help their employees develop additional competencies and capabilities
  • SME employers and local training providers to enhance, develop and deliver regional training

To learn more about the fund please contact

Pathways Training Fund - Improving the skills of your workforce

Delivered by Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils, training is being offered by a network of local partner training providers to over 860 individuals employed by Norfolk and Suffolk SME businesses in these ‘must have’ areas:

  • Digital Skills and Industry 4.0
  • Leadership, Management, Project Management and Mentoring
  • Customer Service and Client Relationship Management
  • Health and Well-being
  • Innovation training for new ideas, ways of working, products and services, Net Zero.

The PTF will fund up to 75% of the total training costs, with grants capped at £500.00 per employee/£3,000 per employer.

Interested applicants are invited to contact for a copy of the guidance and to complete the online eligibility form

Pathways 50+

A programme supporting local SMEs as well as individuals aged 50+ looking for quality paid work placements.

Employers based in Norfolk or Suffolk can access a grant worth £1,950 to support the recruitment of a person aged 50+ with the creation of a work placement.

Pathways 50+ can help organisations to grow and create jobs in the current economic climate and address challenges faced by diminishing resources and access to a section of the working age population able to offer a rich blend of work-readiness, stability, and experience.

The Pathways 50+ team will provide a free recruitment service enabling organisations to dip into a talent pool of candidates aged 50+ who are actively seeking work.

The £1,950 grant will help support a paid work placement. The placement must:

  • consist of no fewer than 25 hours per week (it can exceed this)
  • have a total duration of at least 13 weeks (duration can be longer or permanent)
  • pay an hourly rate of at least the National Living Wage

Pathways 50+ is a safe, effective, and economical way for businesses to address and fill areas of skills shortages.

Employers can try out a 13-week placement before deciding to continue on a permanent basis.

To find out more about Pathways 50+ and how it can support your business please email

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