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Broadland electrical, battery and textile collection service

We pick up weekly electricals, batteries and textiles

We offer a FREE electrical, battery and textile collection service from your home.

Items are collected weekly on your rubbish and recycling bin collection day.

Please place items in a tied weatherproof standard size carrier bag, or smaller, next to your rubbish or recycling bin by 6:30am for collection. You can put more than one bag out for collection.

Items must be:

  • contained in the bag or they will not be collected
  • separated by waste type and not mixed, for example, please place electrical items in one bag, batteries in another and textiles in another as the items are sent to different places for recycling or reuse

Please note:

  • items that are in larger bags, such as bin liners, black sacks and charity bags will not be collected
  • bags cannot be returned and must be weatherproof, such as plastic to help keep the items dry in bad weather
  • items can be placed in smaller bags
  • this service is for Broadland residents only

What to do if my bin has been emptied but my bags are not collected?

If your items are not collected at the same time as your bin, providing you have not been left a note to say why the items have been left, please place out the following week. Please be aware that the items are placed in a small cage on the vehicle, once this is full to capacity, we will not be able to take anymore.

Collections for communal bins

This service is initially for properties that have their own individual bins and not communal/shared bins. Trials will take place for these bins and residents will be notified in advance. If you do not have access to this service, please continue to reuse items, wherever possible through friends, family, recycling centres, charity shops and online sites. If the items are not reusable they can be recycled at some drop off points such as Norfolk County Council recycling centres, textile banks and battery banks that are often in stores that sell batteries such as supermarkets. Alternatively, for small items you can place them in your rubbish bin at home and for larger electrical items, such as white goods you can arrange for a bulky waste collection service or take to Norfolk County Council’s recycling centres.

What we can collect

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