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South Norfolk House for sale

Photo of South Norfolk House with Union flag outside

The sale of South Norfolk House is back on following a decision not to designate the building as an Asset of Community Value.

The decision comes after an eight week independent assessment of the site initiated by an application for ACV status put forward by Long Stratton Town Council.

The site is up for sale following the Council's decision to move its headquarters to the Horizon Centre on Broadland Business Park where it shares the building with Broadland District Council.

The Council’s move to the Horizon Centre will deliver many benefits to its residents. Not just the huge financial savings in both capital and revenue expenditure plus increased performance and efficiency, but also a dramatic decrease in the Councils' carbon footprint of 84% .

At a time of rising energy costs the Horizon will provide huge savings to both councils and future increases in energy prices will be offset, thanks to the solar panels that are already installed on the building.

The Horizon Centre is easily accessible by public transport, is closer for the majority of both staff and residents and has plenty of parking. It also boasts electric charging points, making it much easier for staff and visitors to use electric vehicles.

The move to the Horizon Building will go a long way towards meeting the Council's aim of becoming carbon neutral before the government's target date of 2050.

Published: 15 September 2023