Councils’ roadshows to find homes for Ukrainians

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Broadland District and South Norfolk Councils are hosting roadshows throughout September.

The roadshows are to encourage more people to offer homes to Ukrainian people, who are already in the area and looking for new hosts.

They are designed to shed light on what’s involved in hosting families and individuals through The Homes for Ukraine scheme set up by the Government.

South Norfolk Council’s Cabinet Member for Supporting People, Councillor Graham Minshull said:

“We have a number of people that will soon be looking to move on from their original hosts. These people have been living in the UK for around 18 months, many have jobs and have integrated well into community life.

“They never expected to be here this long and as they try and rebuild their lives in a new country far from home, it’s been brilliant to see our residents stepping up and offering so much support and kindness.”

Broadland District Council’s Deputy Leader, Councillor Natasha Harpley, said:

“Offering a home to a family or individual fleeing the war is an incredibly generous thing to do

“These roadshows offer an excellent opportunity to find out more about what it takes to be a host and our friendly team will be on-hand with information and to answer any questions.”

“We have a fantastic sense of community spirit in Broadland and I have no doubt people will continue to offer help where it’s needed.”

The roadshows are on Friday mornings from 9am - 12 noon on 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 September at Harleston Market Place, Wymondham Market Cross and Aylsham Marktet Place.

Hosting an individual or family fleeing the war is an incredibly valuable thing to do and requires a minimum commitment of six months.

Hosts are not expected to provide food or cover any living expenses they may encounter and will not be able to charge rent. However, they will receive £500 per month tax free for hosting. This will not affect any benefits they may receive, or single persons Council Tax discount.

Hosts will be expected to support guests in integrating into their communities and accessing day to day services they are entitled to such as healthcare, benefits, employment support, education, and English language tuition.

You can find out more about the Homes for Ukraine scheme on the GOV.UK website. Alternatively you can call the Council on 01508 533987.

Published: 4 September 2023