South Norfolk: Move firmly on the Horizon for South Norfolk and Councils

The Horizon Building at Broadland Business Park

Last night (16 May) at an Extraordinary Council meeting, South Norfolk Councillors voted to purchase the Horizon Building on Broadland Business Park.

This came after a recommendation by Cabinet on the same day, to buy the building and use it as the Council’s new HQ.

Council leader John Fuller said:

“This is a really positive move for South Norfolk Council and will save taxpayers millions of pounds over the coming years. It’s forward looking decisions like these that ensure we can continue to offer the high standard of services that our residents really value and allow us to keep Council Tax low.”

Broadland District Council, who share a workforce with South Norfolk Council, voted on Thursday (12 May) to move ahead with the purchase of the Horizon Building.

Cllr Fuller said:

“Currently our workforce, that supports both South Norfolk and Broadland, is operating from offices at Long Stratton and Thorpe St Andrew. As part of our Councils’ collaborative journey, we have been looking at how we can work more efficiently and cost-effectively by sharing one building.

“There are so many benefits of bringing our staff together, not just the huge financial savings in both capital and revenue expenditure, but it will also dramatically decrease our carbon footprint by 84%, increase efficiency and performance and be much more accessible for the majority of both staff and residents.”

Currently both the Councils’ offices need extensive refurbishment and carry heavy maintenance costs. The much lower running cost of the Horizon building will slash these expenses, aided by the extensive solar panels, which will help to offset energy price hikes.

The move will also help reduce the councils’ carbon footprints by a staggering 84% and the building boasts electric charging points, making it easier for staff and visitors to use electric vehicles too.

The Horizon building is also easily accessible by public transport, has plenty of parking and for two thirds of the residents of South Norfolk, the Horizon Centre is the same, if not closer in distance for travel by car than Long Stratton.

Published: 19 May 2022