Support for landlords with tenant issues

A good relationship and level of understanding between Landlord and tenant is essential in making sure that we reduce those facing the worry of losing their home.

The council may be able to support you to maintain that relationship whilst also making sure that all parties adhere to their tenancy agreement.

Breaches often occur due to innocent issues, issues that can often be remedied through simply communication.

Unfortunately, often those avenues of communication can close down at the most integral point due to resident fear leaving landlords with no options but to explore ending the tenancy, which can often be a lengthy, expensive and draining process for both partners.

National guidance is available here

It is also sensible to obtain third party advice, our point of call always being Shelter.

Some of the action that the council may be able support with are as follows:

  • opening up communication channels
  • advising tenants of potential outcomes of non-co-operation, especially the legislation re intentional homelessness
  • welfare support
    • Council Tax support
    • Discretionary housing payments to assist with rent arrears
    • Discretionary Council Tax support
  • supporting your tenant to move on without requiring costly and stressful court action