World Cafés in Broadland and South Norfolk

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South Norfolk and Broadland Health and Wellbeing Partnerships secured funding from the Pride in Place Shared Prosperity fund to deliver this project. We are working with Mutual Gain, a social enterprise specialising in building social capital through community engagement.

The Partnerships’ vision is that every person in South Norfolk and Broadland will have equal opportunities to live healthier, happier lives and our mission is to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of communities. We can’t achieve this without engaging with our communities because they are the best people to tell us what they need, what barriers they experience and what would work within their local area. World cafés are just a starting point for the Partnerships to open conversations and develop relationships with our communities.

If you are living or working in South Norfolk and Broadland we want to hear from you.

What happens at a World Café 

Participants are split into small groups and asked to discuss questions recording their ideas and perspectives. The event is laid back, with the opportunity to have a cuppa and cake, write and draw on the tablecloth and share your opinions.

Hosts will help identify key themes and ideas coming from the group discussion which feeds into a written and visual report. Cafés typically last between 1.5 to 2 hours.

All participants will receive this report after the event to see how they shaped the conversation.

Upcoming World Café events

Diss World Café – 13th July 2024, 1-3pm. Book your place here: Diss World Cafe Sign Up 

Reepham World Café  – details TBC

How can I get involved?

Become a world café host. Hosts will receive training on how to run a world café. They will be part of the café planning team and host the event. This is an opportunity to learn new skills and give back to your community.

Join the planning team. If you can’t commit to the training but would like to get involved in planning an event, you can join the planning team. Meet new people, learn new skills and give back to your community.

Attend a world café as a participant. Participants will come along to the event and get involved in the discussions. All participants will receive £20 as a thank you for their time.

To find out more email us at 

Other resources

Get involved

For world café events, email us at