Getting help

The Help Hub works with partners to get you the right help, whatever the situation.
This includes:
Money worries and debt
The Help Hub can offer support through our welfare and debt service, and we can also link you up with a range of resources to help you manage your finances. Contact us to request help and support.
Information on budgeting support can also be found on the Money Helper website, they also provide information on debt solutions and planning for the future with pension options.
You can apply for the Client Hardship Service, they may be able to help towards living costs. There are a host of other grants available, the Turn2Us Grant Finder site allows you to search for available funding.
If you are concerned you may have been scammed, Norfolk County Council has listed lots of helpful organisations on their website.
Household Support Fund
The Help Hub is working in partnership with Norfolk County Council to administer the Household Support Fund. This funding has been provided by the UK Government to local authorities in England to support those in most need and address financial hardship.
We have been given funding to proactively support those identified as facing financial hardship. These customers are identified through our frontline Help Hub services and through analysis of data held by the Councils.
The Help Hub will be contacting some individuals and households that have been identified as likely to be facing financial hardship, to ensure they do not miss out on support.
A specific portion of the funding has been allocated to people of pensionable age in financial hardship, which can include some households narrowly missing out on the Winter Fuel Payment. We will be contacting these customers between January and March and inviting them to apply for a HSF Winter Fuel Support payment. If you have a received a letter or email from us, please click on the link provided to submit your application for funding.
To apply for a HSF Winter Fuel Support payment online you will need to register your details with our application system partner and complete the relevant application for the district you live in:
If you live in South Norfolk click https://www.Apply4.Online/Requests/QuickSchemeLink/600B2B
If you live in Broadland click https://www.Apply4.Online/Requests/QuickSchemeLink/379B2D
If you cannot register or do not have an email address then you can call us on the number below to complete your application.
To complete this application you will need the unique passcode and property reference we included in your letter or email. If you cannot find the details please give us a call on the number below.
Only the households we have contacted via letter or email will be able to submit an application on the above form but we may be contact other households in future. If you receive a letter, email or phone call and worry that it could be a scam, we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please just give us a call on the numbers below.
If you wish to check the identity of the person contacting you or have any questions about the fund please contact the Help Hub on 01508 533933 or 01603 430431.
You do not need to have received a letter from us to apply for other Household Support Fund schemes. If you are struggling financially and are in need of advice or support, please fill in the Help Hub request for support form at the bottom of this page. All awards of Household Support Fund are subject to an assessment of needs and review of financial circumstances and awards are decided on a case by case basis.
The Help Hub can work with you to make sure you are claiming the right support to remain independent. We can also sometimes help you challenge a decision you feel is wrong.
It’s quick and easy to use the Better Off benefits calculator. Access the simple form to check if you are claiming all that you might be entitled to.
For information relating to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support, as well as help to pay your rent, please look at the Benefits pages.
Relationships and domestic abuse
If you are concerned about yours or a loved one’s relationship, it's important to get advice and support to stay safe.
We work with a number of partner services across Broadland and South Norfolk. If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or are concerned you might be, then the Help Hub can help you get the right support.
More information about domestic abuse.
Help in your community
You may be experiencing loneliness and isolation, have moved into a new area or you may simply want do new things and meet new people. The Help Hub can support you to access a range of support services, groups and activities in your local community. Contact us by completing a Request for Support online or calling 01508 533933/01603 430431.
Help and support to combat isolation is available from Better Together Norfolk, local groups and activities can be found on the Norfolk Directory.
Wellbeing and health
The Help Hub can support you to access the right services or activities to support your physical and mental health and wellbeing. We work with a range of partners in health services and our communities.
There are lots of resources online that can help you to improve your wellbeing and health. You can find self-help guides and the self-referral form on the Norfolk and Suffolk Wellbeing Service website.
The NHS provide lots of advice around healthy living which includes mental health, help to stop smoking and eating well; this can be accessed on the NHS pages. We offer a number of programmes, including Broadly Active as well as a range of leisure and fitness services .
Advice specifically for young people can be found on the Young Minds website. Just One Norfolk has lots of information and guidance for children and parents. Kooth is free and confidential chat service for young people to access support; they have a wealth of information that is available to access any time.
Qwell is a free digital mental health support offer for anyone 18+, this is a NHS-funded service. This quick and accessible service includes the ability to live chat with a mental health professional, speak with others who feel the same way or access instant self help tools. For more information - Home - Qwell
Refugee support
You can find out how to donate or volunteer your time to help and support the resettlement of refugees in Norfolk.
Carers support
If you are caring for a family member, a friend or a loved one, there is advice and support available through Carers Matters Norfolk as well as from Adult Social Care.
Don’t forget that there are lots of support networks for specific conditions, for example Dementia UK and Arthritis Action, try searching online for a wealth of information.
Bereavement support
If you have lost a loved one there is support available from Cruse Bereavement as well as Nelson’s Journey for young people and children that wish to receive some support.
Bullying and cyberbullying
Bullying and abuse can happen anywhere – at school, at home, in your workplace or online cyberbullying. If you are experiencing any form of bullying or know someone who is, it's important to get advice and support to stay safe. The Help Hub works with a number of charities and agencies to ensure you get the right support.
Advice and support for young people and their carers can be found on the NSPCC website as well as Childline. Support for adults who are being bullied can be accessed on the National Bullying Helpline website. Specialist advice for those who are being bullied in the workplace is available on the ACAS website.
Employment and training
If you are unemployed, or worried you might be soon, or if you have been made redundant, looking for a career change or leaving further education with no employment in place, our Employability scheme can help make your next step easier.
As well as general advice and support available through Job Centre Plus and the DWP, there is specific advice and guidance for those with mental health conditions to get back into work; the Routes Employment Service is offered by Mind. Local support, including help to write CVs and IT training, can also be found at the Jobs Club in Harleston.
If your situation changes and you find yourself in need of alternative housing, are made homeless, or require adaptations to enable you to remain within your home, we work with a number of partners who can help facilitate this.
Advice around housing and homelessness is available on the main housing webpages.
If your home needs some adaptations to ensure that is it safe then you might be able to receive support through our Disabled Facilities Grant.
Rented properties should be up to standard - if you’re concerned that the property you rent is not a safe environment or in good condition you can get advice from our Housing Standards Team.
Handyperson service
Simple adaptions to the home can make a huge difference to the health and wellbeing of our older and most vulnerable residents.
Our handyperson service helps people to stay living independently in their homes for longer. We can help with hand rails, key safes, smoke alarms, works to prevent slips and falls and small home improvements which can improve people’s quality of life.
For our South Norfolk residents, please complete our online handyperson request form to make an enquiry.
For our Broadland residents, please call our Housing Standards Team on 01603 430518 or email
If your work is more urgent, or if you require more extensive home adaptations and improvements, then a variety of traders can be found through the Norfolk County Council's Trusted Trader Scheme.
Families and children
The Help Hub can help you to access support and resources in the community, and a variety of services to support young families and children to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.
If you have any serious concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a young person or child, go to our web page for more information around safeguarding concerns, or if you would like to speak to someone, contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 or visit the Norfolk County Council website.
If you consider the incident to be an emergency, call 999.
Get help
To get help with any of these issues, or with any other problems:
Complete a request for support form- If you live in Broadland call 01603 430431 or email
- If you live in South Norfolk call 01508 533933 or email
Our telephone lines are open Monday to Friday from 8:15am until 10pm (excluding bank holidays).
Emails will be monitored within office hours of Monday to Friday 8am until 5pm (excluding bank holidays).