South Norfolk register of unsuccessful nominations for Asset of Community Value
Name of asset | Address of asset | Reason for unsuccessful nomination | Date of listing | Listing expiry date |
Woodton Village Store | Hempnall Road, Woodton, NR35 2LZ | Insufficient evidence to suggest that the shop provides any wider cultural, recreational, sporting or historic interest that subsisted in pursuance of the social wellbeing or social interest of the community | 07/03/2022 | 07/03/2027 |
South Norfolk House | Swan Lane, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE | The intended primary use of South Norfolk House is as an office building. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that a primary use that furthers the social interest or wellbeing of residents is realistic within the next five years. | 15/09/2023 | 14/09/2028 |