Deal Farm Public Inquiry

Planning Inquiry for Deal Farm, Bressingham

About the Inquiry

The Planning Inspectorate has received an appeal against a planning application submitted relating to a site at Deal Farm, Kenninghall Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2HG.

The appeal is against refusal of a planning application for construction of an Anaerobic Digestion facility (part retrospective), comprising: 1 no. digester tank and 1 no. secondary digester/digestate storage tank, silage clamps, liquid and dry feed system; digestate separation, handling and pasteurization, biogas upgrading and mains gas-grid connection; carbon capture, CHP, agricultural building; office buildings, weighbridge, 2 no. covered digestate storage lagoons, and associated plant, vehicular accesses, roads and landscaping (including earth bunds).

The appeal has been made by Deal Farm Biogas Limited.

The Secretary of State appointed a Planning Inspector - D Lewis BA(Hons) MCD MA LLM. 

The Planning Inquiry commenced on 06 February 2024, but was adjourned with all evidence still to be heard.

The Inquiry will now re-commence in June and July – the programme for which can be found using the links below

The event will take place at the offices of South Norfolk and Broadland District Councils at:

The Horizon Centre, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich NR7 0WF.

Appeal details

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/L2630/W/23/332400
Planning Inspectorate Case Officer: Corrina Clements
Telephone: 0303 444 5000

The full list of documents associated with the appeal and the planning application that is being appealed against can be found at 2022/1108 

The Core Documents are grouped as follows:

CD1 List of Original Plans and Reports submitted with the Application

CD2 List of Additional Plans and Reports Submitted to the LPA during determination of
the Application

CD3 Planning Application Consultee Responses

CD4 Determination Documents

CD5 Appeal Documents

CD6 Relevant Site History

CD7 The Development Plan and Evidence Base

CD8 Legislation, National Policy and Guidance

CD9 Appeal Decisions and Planning Permissions

CD11 Proofs of Evidence

Download the Core Documents