Broadland waste and recycling customer satisfaction survey

Have your say on our waste and recycling services

We need your help to find out how well our recycling, waste and street-cleansing services are doing in Broadland to meet your needs.

If you're a Broadland resident, take part in the short customer satisfaction survey to let us know what you think of the services you receive. The feedback we receive will be used to help us plan improvements.

Survey closes Friday 1 December.

Complete the survey

The survey is being carried out on behalf of Broadland District Council and Veolia, Broadland District Council’s environmental partner, by an independent specialist called ARP Research according to the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. The survey is confidential, which means that once processed your answers will not be linked with your identity and all data is handled and stored according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We do not use any of the information you provide for direct marketing or other non-research activities. For more information on privacy please visit ARP's Privacy Policy