Submission of a planning application

Planning applications can be submitted via the Planning Portal. Copies of the planning application forms are also available at Planning application and fire statement forms: templates - GOV.UK ( These forms cover all the mandatory information required to validate your application but you will need to remember to attach the relevant documents when submitting your application. If incorrect or insufficient information has been received for applications requiring BNG, the application will not be validated.

Please note that only the small sites metric or the statutory metric will be accepted.  Further information is available is available on the governments website. (e.g. draft small/statutory metrics or DEFRA Metric 4.0 will not be validated).

The application will need to demonstrate how it has been designed in accordance with the Biodiversity Gain Hierarchy of evidence provided if it has not been applied.

This hierarchy (which does not apply to irreplaceable habitats) sets out a list of priority actions:

  • first, in relation to onsite habitats which have a medium, high and very high distinctiveness (a score of four or more according to the statutory biodiversity metric), the avoidance of adverse effects from the development and, if they cannot be avoided, the mitigation of those effects; and
  • then, in relation to all onsite habitats which are adversely affected by the development, the adverse effect should be compensated by prioritising in order, where possible, the enhancement of existing onsite habitats, creation of new onsite habitats, allocation of registered offsite gains and finally the purchase of biodiversity credits.

Statutory validation requirements

The statutory validation requirements are set in legislation and summarized in paragraph 011 of the PPG

This information must be provided to validate your application.

At the present time there are no additional BNG validation requirements for Broadland District Council or South Norfolk District Council.