South Norfolk Council elects new Chair and Leader

Dan Elmer web

New Chair and Leader elected for South Norfolk Council.

At South Norfolk Council’s AGM, held on Monday 20 May 2024, Councillor Sharon Blundell was elected as Chair and Councillor Deborah Sacks was elected to the post of Vice-Chair.

At the same meeting Councillor Dan Elmer was elected as South Norfolk Council’s Leader replacing Lord Fuller, who has stood down from the role after 17 years.

Councillor Elmer also announced his new Cabinet team.
The new Cabinet is:

  • Dan Elmer, Leader with cross cutting responsibilities.
  • Graham Minshull, Deputy Leader and Communities.
  • Richard Elliott, Resources and Innovation.
  • Keith Kiddie, Environment
  • Kim Carsock, Health and Leisure.
  • Lisa Overton-Neal, Planning and Economic Growth.

South Norfolk Council Chair, Sharon Blundell said that it was an honour to be elected to the role and said she would name the charities that she would support during her time in office at the next Council meeting.

During the meeting Councillor James Easter was presented with a testimonial by the new Chair in recognition of his service to the Council, serving as Chairman for the previous two years. During his second year as Chairman Councillor Easter raised £1,700 for Norfolk and Waveney Mind.


Published: 21 May 2024