South Norfolk Council Vacancies

All District Council vacancies will be listed at the bottom of this page when they arise.

A District Council vacancy may arise for a number of reasons; a councillor may have resigned, passed away, or have failed to attend any meetings for six months.

The vacancy occurs on the date of receipt of the resignation notice or the date of death, although the public notice may be delayed for a respectful period. 

A by-election can be called by a request made in writing to the Council's Proper Officer by 2 electors from the Local Authority area. If an election is called it must be held within 35 days of the notice.

Vacancies below

  • ** An election request has been received to fill this vacancy **

    The Returning Officer will set a date for polling day, and the election process will begin with the publication of a notice of election. Further information will be published shortly. 

    The notice of election informs the electors where they may obtain nomination papers and the date by when they should be hand delivered. It gives the dates by which applications to vote by post or proxy must be made. It also gives the date of the poll in the event of a contest.


    Notice of Vacancy in the Office of District Councillor

    Bunwell Ward

    Notice is hereby given:

    In accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 a casual vacancy has arisen in the office of councillor for the Bunwell Ward. 

    An election to fill the vacancy will be held within thirty-five days of the required written notice being given to the Proper Officer, South Norfolk Council, Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF, by two local government electors of the District.

    Dated: 14 March, 2024

    Trevor Holden
    Proper Officer
    South Norfolk Council