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Broadland town and parish councils

Broadland has 48 parish councils, three town councils and 12 parish meetings. Town and parish councils are separate and independent of Broadland District Council.

Town and parish councils:

  • represent their local community
  • deliver services to meet local needs and improve the quality of life for their community
  • are funded by levying a parish 'precept' which is included in the Council Tax collected by Broadland District Council
  • have unpaid councillors who are elected to serve for four years

To find out more about the role of town and parish councils, see the GOV.UK website.

You can also find contact details here

You can also look up which polling district boundary covers which parish or ward. You can find out which parish or ward you live in if you are not sure.

If you are interested in becoming a town or parish councillor, please contact your local parish council clerk.

View town and parish council vacancies in Broadland
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