How to apply for planning permission

Broadland Green Infrastructure Recreational Avoidance Mitigation Strategy

The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 requires a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to be undertaken prior to the determination of planning applications, to establish whether a proposal will have a likely significant effect on the integrity of Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Ramsar Sites (Habitats Sites, also known as European Sites and Natura 2000 Sites).

New developments are required to mitigate the potential for recreational activities to disrupt the protection objectives of Habitats Sites in and around Norfolk, and must demonstrate compliance with the Habitats Regulations.  Permission cannot be granted unless there is demonstrable evidence that any potential impacts have been satisfactorily assessed and mitigated.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide all relevant information necessary for completion and conclusion of the HRA. 

We have prepared a shadow HRA and guidance note for your use. Please click on the map below to identify the Zones of Influence in relation to your proposal to include in the HRA.

The template Shadow HRA is intended to enable applicants to ensure they provide all required information. Please note that the shadow template is only suitable for developments where no potential for direct effects on protected wildlife sites have been identified (in such instances, a bespoke HRA will be required)

A financial contribution will be required as part of the mitigation and this will be secured either by a Unilateral agreement or a Section 106 Agreement. For developments of less than five houses an example model unilateral agreement is available for you to review. As part of the planning application we will review ownership of the site and prepare a draft agreement for you to complete during the considerastion of the application. 

Please note there may be a delay where Land Registry details are not up to date. Where this is the case we will need: 

  1. Certified signed copy of the completed transfer deed (TR1 or TP1 form).
  2. Solicitor’s confirmation that the AP1 to register new title has been submitted to Land Registry (if the application registration isn’t found online).

Where there is a mortgagee or other financial chargee, they will be party to the Unilateral agreement and will need to sign it. These details and the mortgagee clause will be included in the Unilateral agreement provided to the applicant, but the applicant will need to obtain mortgagee signature before returning the signed and undated copy.