How to apply for planning permission

Biodiversity net gain

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to development to ensure that habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were before the development.

BNG ‘go live’ dates

In England, BNG is a statutory requirement under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021) and as of the 2nd April 2024 all development proposals, unless exempt, must deliver a minimum of 10% BNG either on and/or offsite and maintain it for at least 30 years.

Statutory BNG is in addition to ‘general’ biodiversity enhancement measures such as bats and bird boxes and hedgehog gaps which are still secured under local planning policies.

Major developments

(as identified by the T&CPA, 1990)

Small Sites

(as identified by the T&CPA, 1990)

Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects

12 February 2024

2 April 2024

Late November 2025

Rather than replicating information published elsewhere by the government (which is subject to change) the following links will take you directly to current guidance.  Where there is uncertainty, please refer to the original legislation and/or visit the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) FAQs 

We would encourage you to engage an ecologist as early as possible as BNG need to be considered throughout the project from site selection to occupation. The statutory metric must also be completed by a competent person.

What you need to know about BNG?

A useful overview of BNG for developers is provided on the Governments website Meet biodiversity net gain requirements: steps for developers - GOV.UK (

Please also consider visiting Understanding biodiversity net gain. This site covers the following topics which give a general overview:

The Biodiversity Net Gain Planning Practice Guidance  provides detailed guidance on:

  1. About biodiversity gain
  2. Biodiversity net gain: Submitting a planning application
  3. Determination of the planning application
  4. Submission of the Biodiversity Gain Plan
  5. Determination of the Biodiversity Gain Plan
  6. Appeals on a Biodiversity Gain Plan
  7. Phased development 

Guidance will likely be updated regularly so please ensure you have the most up to date information available.


While most planning applications submitted after 2nd April 2024 will need to demonstrate delivery of BNG, there are several exemptions listed within The Biodiversity Gain Requirements (Exemptions) Regulations 2024. Further guidance is published on the governments website and within the Biodiversity Net Gain Planning Practice Guidance

Discharge of condition applications, variation of condition applications and reserved matters applications that relate to applications submitted or granted before 12 February 2024 are not subject to BNG.